Get rid of skin pigmentation with 2 ingredients

Skin pigmentation  can be caused by aging, excessive exposure to the sun or a number of diseases. For people facing such problems we have some solutions not only very cheap but also natural and easy to prepare.

Before starting the healing treatment here are a few information you should know about skin pigmentation:

How pigmentation spots appear?

Skin  receives color due to a substance called melanin. Problems that appear on the skin have two causes: deficit (hypopigmentation) or excess pigment (hyperpigmentation) Hyperpigmentation occurs normally when there is an excessive secretion of melatonin in the lower layer of the epidermis, produced by some cells called melanocytes.

Melasma, the emergence of those very dark spots on the skin, is the result of excessive exposure to the sun. In other words, to protect the skin while sitting on the beach, melanin absorbs these harmful ultraviolet rays.

But during this process may occur these freckles or brown spots. So pigmentation spots appear on women after a certain age.

This type of disorder is more common in people who have darker skin or different shades of whites, such as Asians or African Americans.

– A tablespoon of turmeric powder
– A tablespoon lemon juice

Preparation method:

Mix both ingredients until they become a homogeneous solution. Apply the paste on the affected areas and let it act 15 minutes or until it dries. Rinse with cold water.

Very important it is to not sit in the sun right after you applied the mask. The best time of the mask  to be used is  preferably before bedtime. Thus, the skin breathe and you won’t expose yourself to UV rays.

Lemon is known for its skin whitening properties and stimulates skin exfoliation. Turmeric is an excellent anti-inflammatory and, like lemon, helps to whiten the skin. Also makes your skin becomes shiny.

If you have very sensitive skin and you’re afraid that lemon acid might affect you skin, dilute the lemon juice in water or milk.

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