6 natural pore shrinking masks

After an age the skin begins to suffer  some changes and besides wrinkles,  pores can become very visible. To shrink the pores we recommend six natural facial masks that can be made at home.
Not just people who pass a certain age have problems with pores, but also those who have oily skin.

There are cosmetic products to heal this issue, which are commercially available, but generally they are quite expensive and contain a lot of chemicals substances, most skin damaging in  long term. I offer you some recipes that you can do right in your home and have amazing results without having to spend a fortune for this.

Here are the recipes:

Water and sodium bicarbonate

Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with two tablespoons of water, apply the paste on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. After you have finished the treatment, wash your skin with cold water.

Cucumber, lemon and rosewater

Peel a a cucumber and blend it, then add a few teaspoons of lemon juice and a little rose water until you get a slurry mixture. Soak a  cotton round in it and apply it on  the face, leave it on for several minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Egg white and lemon juice

In a bowl, add a few drops of lemon juice and mix  it with 2 egg whites. Then apply the mixture on your face and wait a few minutes until it dries. Once dried, clean your face with cold water. The mask is designed to shrink your pores, but it also helps to get rid of dead cells and other dirt deposits.

Tomato juice and lime

Mix well the tomato juice and add a few drops of lime, then apply the mask on with a cotton ball. Leave the mask to act 15 minutes, then rinse out with cold water. Both ingredients have astringent properties, and will shrink your pores.

Lime juice and almond juice

Leave to hydrate a few almonds overnight in a bowl with water, then wash them in the morning and put them in a blender until you get a paste. Add a few drops of lime. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it to act for half an hour. Rinse with cold water.

Lemon juice and pineapple juice

Squeeze half a lemon and half a cup of pineapple. Soak the cotton ball in this mixture and apply the mixture on your face. Leave it  to act for a few minutes, then rinse with cold water. Pineapple is rich in enzymes that help clean skin and pores, and the lemon juice has astringent properties.

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