11 Effective Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

A yeast infection can really bring a woman down! This common, yet frustrating disease can leave you feeling rather uncomfortable. If you wake up one morning to uncomfortable itching and burning sensation in your private parts, accompanied by a smelly discharge, you may just have contracted a yeast infection. But fear not, for this infection can be easily curtailed by some simple ingredients from your kitchen rack.

Yeast infections, caused by the fungus called Candida, are said to affect as many as eight out of 10 women. While it is women who predominately suffer from this icky disorder, men too can be affected by it as the infection can develop on the body. The most commonly known remedies for a yeast infection are creams and suppositories that are easily found at most drug stores. But at times, even these fail to work. That’s when you can find solace from home remedies!

Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

Here is a scoop of the best home remedies for yeast infection that will help you avoid shelling out wads of notes at the clinic and having to down bitter OTCs.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Garlic
  • Boric Acid
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Yogurt
  • Coconut Oil
  • Epsom Salt Bath
  • Oil Of Oregano
  • Aloe
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Green Tea

1. Apple Cider Vinegar For Yeast Infection

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Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need
1-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
A glass of water

What You Have To Do
Mix the ACV in the water and drink this water.

How Often You Need To Do This
Repeat this twice or thrice a day till the yeast infection goes away.

Why This Works
Be it weight loss, skin care, or hair loss, ACV is very handy. It can be used both externally and internally to treat a bad case of yeast infection as it possesses antifungal properties (1). Soak in a bath of warm water with a cup full of ACV for all-day relief from that bothersome itch.

You Will Need
2-3 cloves garlic

What You Have To Do
Crush and grind the cloves with enough water to make a paste.
Apply on the affected area for eight to 10 minutes.
Rinse with water.
How Often You Need To Do This
Apply this paste twice a day.

Why This Works
Garlic exhibits strong antifungal activity against Candida species, making this a great and easy home remedy for yeast infection (2). Many will agree when we say that garlic can lend aroma and flavor to dishes like no other ingredient. Yes, in its raw form, it doesn’t seem too appetizing, but it sure can spice up your meal. Apart from topical application, include plenty of garlic in your diet to fight the overgrowth of yeast. The recommended dosage is two to four cloves in a day.

Do not use the garlic paste on sensitive areas such as the vagina and inner thighs.

Click Here More about home remedy for yeast infection

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