Get thick eyebrows with onion juice

Onions have many properties that help the body to maintain its health and beauty. A young woman has found a unique formula which helped her to grow thicker eyebrows using onion skinning.

Thick eyebrows are a trend that began to be followed by more and more  women. Cara Delevingne, Lilly Collins, Emilia Clarke and Madonna are just some of the stars who have adopted this style.

But what’s left to do when because of too frequent tweezing and because you used to keep your eyebrows thin, your eyebrows  no longer grow and you can’t follow the trend?

If you want to have  thicker eyebrows, you can follow a trick discovered by a beauty blogger Farah Dhukai.  This young lady, with 439 000 friends on social networking site, turns ordinary onions in a beauty ingredient that, according to her, shows it’s effects quickly.

Here’s how Farah did:

The young woman peeled and cut half onion, then took some foil and began to rub the eyebrows with them.  With safe movements, Farah apply the onion all over the eyebrows surface. The juice of onion that reach the hairs must be left to dry thoroughly. Afterwards, rinse with water or apply cleanser.

If you repeat this procedure every day, you will obtain results very quickly. Pay attention, however, so the juice not to reach your eyes.

The sulfur in onions makes the hair grow faster.

What is the explanation?

Sulfur plays an important role in blood circulation. It also reduces inflammation and has antibacterial properties. Onion juice acts as a stimulant for blood circulation and the hair grows faster and stronger. This applies for both  the scalp and the eyebrows.

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