Beginner’s Yoga for Weight Loss: 6 Easy Poses You Can Start Today!

I think you’ll agree:

Losing weight can be REALLY tough.  You’re doing everything, but nothing is working.

Well, it turns out, you can dramatically increase your chances with yoga for weight loss.

Once considered something for only the ‘enlightened’, more and more smart dieters and fitness experts are turning to yoga for weight loss.

And its popularity continues to grow:

New practitioners in the US alone will be joining a fan base of over 36 million, according to the latest 2016 yoga survey conducted by Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance.

While some remain skeptical about yoga for weight loss, anecdotal evidence suggests it’s insanely effective.

Something to which I can personally attest:

Starting yoga to relieve back pain, I quickly discovered my body fat melting away.

At first, I couldn’t understand why.

Then it hit me:

The yoga poses were causing me to lose weight…

…without even TRYING!

And today, I’m going to share with you the exact steps I took in using yoga for weight loss.

Related: The 7 Best Yoga Poses for Lower Back Pain

What Makes Yoga for Weight Loss Different?
Rooted in over 5,000 years of Indian heritage, yoga for weight loss rivals any Western approach to losing weight.

Countless poses keep things fresh…so you’ll never get bored.

There’s a very low risk of injury and you won’t feel exhausted after your workout.

Oh, and say goodbye to those post-workout munchies.

Increased Insulin Sensitivity
Best of all, is yoga’s ability to increase insulin sensitivity.

Insulin sensitivity is a measure of how easily your body burns food for fuel, instead of storing it as fat.

The more sensitive your body is to insulin, the quicker and easier you’ll shed unwanted fat!

Insulin resistance is the real reason why you may not be able to lose weight.

And if you’re obese it’s highly likely that you’re suffering from insulin resistance.

Yoga for weight loss can help reverse this condition by resetting how well your body responds to insulin.

This partly explains yoga’s uncanny ability to help people lose weight.

It’s not only the exercise component of practicing this ancient art, but also the way in which the poses manipulate the body’s weight loss hormones.

Who Can Practice Yoga for Weight Loss?
First, let’s clear up a common misconception:

ANYONE of any age and fitness level can start yoga for weight loss.

Many newcomers mistakenly believe that you need to be flexible and possess a high degree of fitness before beginning yoga.

Sure, some yoga poses do require a little practice.  But many yoga poses are simple, easy and you can get started right away!

That’s why I’ve hand-picked these yoga poses for weight loss:

They’re beginner friendly, you won’t need any previous experience and you don’t need to be spiritually inclined!

Beginners Yoga for Weight Loss: 6 Poses You Can Start Today!
Simple tips before you begin:

Work within your capabilities when practicing the following poses.
Hold each pose for 3 – 5 deep breaths.
Direct your consciousness inside.
Savour how each pose feels and enjoy!
1.Crescent Pose

1. From a standing position, inhale and raise your arms upwards, stretching through your fingers up to the sky.

2. Exhale, and pivot forward from your hips, bending your knees slightly so that you’re able to touch your hands to the floor

3. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, send your right leg back into a lunge with your left knee at roughly 90 degrees.  Ensure your knee is aligned with your ankle and your right leg is supported on the ball of your foot.

4. Inhale and raise your arms overhead once more.  Arch your back, sending your arms slightly rearwards, tilt your head back and direct your gaze at your fingertips.

5. Return to your original standing position and repeat on the other side.

2. Warrior Pose II

1.Begin with your feet 4 to 5 feet apart.

2. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees, so your toes are pointing to the top of the yoga mat and pivot your left foot slightly inwards around 45-degree angle.

3. Next, raise your arms to shoulder height, palms facing down and reach through your fingertips.

4. Finally, exhale and bend your front knee directly over your ankle.  Keeping your shin straight, sink in at the hips till your thigh is parallel to the ground and gaze across the tip of your right middle finger.

5. Hold for 10 deep breaths, then repeat on the other side.

3. Bridge Pose

1.Lie on your back with your arms by your side, palms flat.  Then, bring your feet to rest on your mat by bending at your knees.

2. Press your feet and arms into the mat, exhale, and lift your hips towards the ceiling.

3. Tuck your tailbone in and roll your shoulders back and underneath your body and lift your chest up.  Clasp your hands below your pelvis and reach through your arms to maintain contact on the tips of your shoulders.

4. Engage your legs and glutes to assist in lifting your hips.  Your thighs should be around parallel to the ground and knees directly over your ankles.

5. Raise your chin to distance it from your chest, firm your shoulder blades to support your upper back and now press the top of your chest towards your chin.

6. Hold for 3 -5 deep breaths, then exhale and gently relax back onto the mat.

4. Boat Pose

1.Sit on your mat with your feet directly in front of you.  Place your hands a little way behind your hips, fingers directed to your feet and press into the floor.

2. Lean rearwards and lift the top of your chest, making sure to keep your spine aligned and not rounded.

3. Bend your knees and lift your feet until your shins are parallel to the ground.  Maintain that straight back!  Draw your shoulder blades together to lift and open your chest.

4. Slowly straighten your legs whilst lifting your heels.  Release your arms forward so they’re parallel to the floor and palms facing down.

5. Release the pose on an exhale, bend your knees and bringing the souls of your feet back onto the mat.

5. Triangle Pose

1.From a standing position with the legs 3 feet apart, turn your right foot outwards 90 degrees and the left toes slightly inwards.  Inhale and press your hips out to the left as you raise both arms parallel to the floor.

2. Exhale and rotate only the arms, raising the left arm up and resting the right hand on the right leg, with the palms facing forward.

3. Press into the feet, keeping your legs strong. Reach your fingertips away from each other, bringing your arms into one straight line with your shoulders stacked on top of each other.

4. Hold for 3 – 5 deep breaths and then repeat on the other side!

6. Chair Pose

1.From a standing pose, inhale and raise your arms till they’re pointing to the ceiling.

2. Exhale, bend your knees until your thighs are almost parallel to the ground.  This move will shift your knees over your toes and your torso should be at 90 degrees to your thighs.

3. Firm your shoulder blades into your upper back and reach your upper arms back towards your ears.  Try not to arch your lower back but keep your spine long and tuck your tailbone towards the floor.

4. Lift your upper sternum so you form a slight arch in your upper back between your shoulder blades.

5. Transfer your weight backward into your heels, pressing them into the mat. Almost all your weight should now be supported through your heels.

6. Centre your gaze directly in front of you and widen your shoulder blades. Rotate your arms so that your palms face one another. Keep your lower abdomen pulled in and up to protect your lower spine.

7. Release the pose by inhaling, pressing through your feet and straightening your legs.  Exhale and lower your arms.

In Conclusion
This beginner’s yoga for weight loss is designed to make losing weight FUN while reaping the countless benefits of yoga.

Practice your poses daily, ideally in the morning before breakfast.  It’s much easier to skip your workouts if you leave them till the end of the day!

The exciting news?

It’s not uncommon for new yogis to lose half a pound to one pound of weight each week!

But if you’re not seeing the results that you’d hoped for, simply hold each pose a little longer.

You can also introduce more challenging poses into your routine as your experience grows.

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