When you rub your eyes because of fatigue, allergy or makeup removal you may notice that your eyelashes fall. Well, you should know that it is necessary to apply several simple steps that will make them more thicken.
The main function of eyelshes is to protect your eyes from sunlight and external aggression such as dust, sand or sweat droplets. Often blinking is also an expression that allows you to understand emotions such as surprise, confusion, dissatisfaction or contempt. Along with the eye, plays an important role in seduction.
Whatever the causes for which you eyelashes are affected, it is necessary to know how to make them grow back. Here are some steps that you can follow in order to have beautiful eyelashes again and a seductive look.
The first thing you have to do when you have fragile eyelashes you want to thicken them up is to opt for a gentle cleanser and avoid extremely aggressive cosmetics as water resistance ones.
Then, alternating one night from two after cleansing the makeup apply olive oil on eyelashes by using a clean disposable, cotton swab.
It is advisable to use a swab for each eye. Preferably it is to apply the oil on the length of eyelashes so that they get hydrated and become illuminated due to the rich fats, vitamins and minerals.Rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances, olive oil is good not only to nourish and moisturize hair and skin, but also can work wonders in the growth and eyelashes thickening. Make sure you buy a quality one!
To strengthen them apply castor oil on the length of eyelashes using also disposable cottons for each eye. Application is made alternately as I said above, in one evening you should use olive oil, and the next evening use castor oil. Castor oil is rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, strengthens lashes and stimulates growth.
The main function of eyelshes is to protect your eyes from sunlight and external aggression such as dust, sand or sweat droplets. Often blinking is also an expression that allows you to understand emotions such as surprise, confusion, dissatisfaction or contempt. Along with the eye, plays an important role in seduction.
Whatever the causes for which you eyelashes are affected, it is necessary to know how to make them grow back. Here are some steps that you can follow in order to have beautiful eyelashes again and a seductive look.
The first thing you have to do when you have fragile eyelashes you want to thicken them up is to opt for a gentle cleanser and avoid extremely aggressive cosmetics as water resistance ones.
Then, alternating one night from two after cleansing the makeup apply olive oil on eyelashes by using a clean disposable, cotton swab.
It is advisable to use a swab for each eye. Preferably it is to apply the oil on the length of eyelashes so that they get hydrated and become illuminated due to the rich fats, vitamins and minerals.Rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances, olive oil is good not only to nourish and moisturize hair and skin, but also can work wonders in the growth and eyelashes thickening. Make sure you buy a quality one!
To strengthen them apply castor oil on the length of eyelashes using also disposable cottons for each eye. Application is made alternately as I said above, in one evening you should use olive oil, and the next evening use castor oil. Castor oil is rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, strengthens lashes and stimulates growth.