Amazing Home Remedies For Beautiful Skin To Try Right Now

Who doesn’t love silky smooth skin like our favourite magazine models and Bollywood stars? But first of all, with our busy scheduled lifestyle there is hardly any time to go to the parlour and the huge amount of money it takes for an overall skin treatment, it is not possible always.

So why don’t we try and do something at home? Our refrigerators and kitchen cabinets have such a lot of useful things to offer us. Why don’t we turn our home into our own personal parlour?

Our skin plays a very important role in enhancing our beauty. So keeping it healthy should be our primary motive to look beautiful.

A healthy skin makes us look younger by ten years than what we are. I guess we all ladies want to look young and fresh. Today we will learn some very simple and easy to do home remedies to get naturally beautiful skin, that keeps glowing always.

Before we move on to the homemade remedies, let us quickly take a look at these very essential do’s and don’ts for a flawless skin:


Removing makeup completely before going to bed is the first and foremost step to a naturally glowing skin.

Cleansing, toning and moisturizing our skin is the key to get a younger looking skin.
Exfoliation is another important step to slough away all the dead skin cells which develop over time. So make it a point to scrub every once or twice a week.

Use a sunscreen whenever you are going out to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

Facial masks help a lot in keeping a beautiful skin.

Drink lots of water and have green vegetables and fruits. It keeps your skin naturally beautiful lifelong.


Don’t use any cosmetics available in the market. It may harm your skin to a great extent. Go in for products tested beforehand.

Don’t skip on moisturizer during summers. Although your skin may not feel dry, moisturizing is important to balance the moisture content in your skin. You could opt for a water-based moisturizer.
Avoid going out in the sun between 11 am to 3 pm. This is the time of the day when the rays of the sun are the strongest and can cause adverse effects on your skin.

Home remedies to get Beautiful skin naturally:

A beautiful skin is every woman’s dream. We try so hard and spend so much money in the hope of making our skin glowing and radiant. The pollution and dirt, changes in weather and the chemicals in our cosmetics affect our skin to a great extent. Let us now try out some very simple homemade recipes to get beautiful skin naturally.


Bananas do a great job for your face. Scoop out the inner portion of the banana and mix it with milk in a bowl.  Now blend it well and massage the mixture on your face in a circular motions for 20 minutes to half an hour. Rinse it off well. Get the much desired glow on your face within minutes. It also works on blemishes and dark spots.

A very effective facial scrub can be prepared by mixing olive oil and salt. Use this mixture to gently exfoliate dead skin cells off your face. The same effect can also be derived by replacing salt with granulated sugar.

For pigmentation and dark spots on your face caused by sun exposure, mix egg white and two teaspoon of honey. Stir it till you get a thick consistency. Apply this paste to the affected areas of your face and leave it for five minutes. Then wash your face thoroughly by using a mild face wash. This will help in reducing your pigmentation and will provide it a natural glow.

If you have facial hair, try out this simple remedy to reduce hair growth on your face. Squeeze 10 ml lemon juice into 40 ml honey and prepare a mixture. Take a cotton swab and rub this mixture in the direction of the hair growth. Rinse after 15 minutes. Repeat twice a week for 2 weeks and then use it every week to find an improvement in the facial hair condition.

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