11 Methods for Detoxing and Cleansing Your Body of Toxins

There are millions of people in America who contend that body detoxification systems and plans are the way to go in order to have a healthy body and lifestyle.

It is true that these types of detox plans do work for the body, but it’s also important to realize why they do work. For example, think about the fact that more than one-third of people living in the United States will all suffer from some form of cancer in their lives.

Detoxing to Prevent Disease
Detoxification MethodsWhether it’s breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, blood cancer, or prostate cancer, the list of the types of cancers that can be formed is pretty long.

Along with cancers, though, there are probably millions upon millions of tiny molecules of toxins and bacteria that we come in contact with every day.

For these reasons a total body detoxification system is needed to make sure that we don’t fall prey to the sicknesses of the culture.

In order to complete a body detoxification there are actually several ways to do it.

All of the methods that are used in a body detoxification mainly depend on the individual person and her or her preferences.

There are all sorts of ways to cleanse the body of foreign substances and toxins, but a couple of those ways include coffee detoxification, foot detoxification, as well as other conventional methods, too.

We will detail several types of detox systems to help the body and you can choose what is best for you.

1. Liver Cleanse

Regimes for cleansing the liver incorporate bitter greens and chlorophyll juices such as wheat grass and dandelion greens. Other liver-happy foods include carrots, celery, limes, lemons, and beets Spices that offer cleansing effects on the liver include turmeric, rosemary, cayenne, cumin, and curry. It’s best to avoid coffee, milk, and sodas; instead, opt for purified water and/or apple juice. To help support your cleansing efforts, add Livatrex to a gallon of apple juice or water and follow these liver cleansing instructions.

2. Oxygen Colon Cleanse

One of the best natural detox methods is a six or seven day cleanse using distilled water, organic, raw apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, Oxy-Powder, and a probiotic supplement. This cleanse is a quick and effective way to purify your digestive tract. Here are my recommended instructions for performing a colon cleanse.

3. Candida Cleanse

A candida cleanse is designed to remove candida within the body by removing all foods containing sugars. The candida diet requires avoiding all forms of sugar (including fruit and fruit juice), all refined flour and wheat products, any foods containing yeast, as well as all natural sweeteners such as agave nectar or raw honey. During a candida cleanse you should also avoid alcohol, dried fruit, mushrooms, cheese, pickled vegetables, and soy sauce. Taking organic oregano oil and a probiotic like Latero-Flora™ can enhance your candida cleansing efforts.

4. Harmful Organism Cleanse

There are many herbs you can take to take care of harmful organisms that may be affecting your health. Wormwood, black walnut hull, clove, and American wormseed are four herbs that create an environment within your intestinal tract that’s hostile to invading organisms. Taking a probiotic supplement will also support balance and discourage any unwelcome visitors. The following is a link to my recommended cleansing instructions for harmful organisms.

5. Liquid Cleanse

A liquid cleanse is an excellent way to cleanse the body while still maintaining energy levels. It involves the consumption of fresh organic fruit and vegetable juices, pureed soup, miso soup, smoothies, flax, hemp, coconut, sesame or pumpkin seed oil, and purified water.

6. Toxic Metal Cleanse

Some people have high levels of toxic metals such as mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and lead in their body.[10] In general, it’s best to perform two cleanses per year to avoid long-term accumulation.

7. Raw/Alkaline Foods Cleanse

This is a temporary cleanse that advocates eating uncooked fruits and vegetables combined with smaller amounts of raw nuts, seeds, and sprouts. It’s an excellent way to detoxify the colon, liver, and other systems in the body. It alleviates the body’s need to alkalize the acidic nature of blood that results from a modern, non-alkaline diet. Learn more about the benefits of a raw food diet.

8. Juice Fasts

Juice fasts consist of consuming only freshly juiced fruits and vegetables for one to three days, or longer. The best cleansing fruits and veggies include apples, carrots, beets, ginger root, spinach, pears, celery, kale, cabbage, pineapple, cranberry, and other dark leafy greens. Citrus fruits are usually avoided while fasting. Organic fruits and vegetables are best.

9. Kitcheree Cleanse

A kitcheree cleanse is an ancient Ayurvedic method of cleansing the body through what is known as a “mono-diet.” In a kitcheree cleanse, you can eat a super-alkaline diet of mung beans, cooked vegetables, basmati rice, and spices. This diet offers a temporary relief to the digestive system, and contributes to overall detoxification, especially when combined with cleansing herbs.

10. Cleansing Spices

Coupling a healthy, organic diet with cleansing spices is an effective way to detox the body. The best cleansing spices include cinnamon, oregano, turmeric, cumin, cilantro, fenugreek, ginger, fennel, cayenne pepper, black pepper, clove, parsley, and rosemary.

11. Master Cleanse

This detox method consists of a diet composed only of freshly-squeezed lemon juice, organic grade-B maple syrup, cayenne pepper and spring water. While this can be an effective method for both liver and colon cleansing, I still recommend performing an oxygen colon cleanse, and a liver and gallbladder cleanse at the same time. Which of these natural detox methods have you tried? What were your experiences? Please leave a comment below and share your feedback!

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