10 Natural Headache Remedies for Instant Relief

If you’re one of the 29.5 million Americans who suffer from migraines, you know how bad these throbbing headaches can get. You might experience nausea, vomiting, and an increased sensitivity to sound and light if you have this condition. Some people see flashing lights or spots as well before they get a migraine this is the migraine aura.

Keep a headache diary which records when you get migraines, how long they last, what you ate in the 24 hours before the attack, how long you slept the night before, and where you were and what you were doing when the attack started.

A variety of factors known as “triggers” can set off a migraine. Common migraine triggers include weather change, hormonal change, certain foods, stress, environmental factors like strong smells, loud noises, and bright lights.

Migraine painkillers are not without side effects. And taking them frequently can actually make migraines worse as your body gets used to these medicines.

So prevent and manage your migraines by identifying your triggers. Ideally, you should avoid triggers, but you can also work around them. For instance, wearing sunglasses that are tinted green or blue can be helpful if you find that sunlight triggers your migraines.

Once you already have an attack under way, try the following migraine home remedies:

1. Use Hot Or Cold Packs

Both heat and ice can be used to reduce pain in headaches. Usually people with migraine find that cold packs work better for them, while those who suffer from tension headaches seem to prefer heating pads. But there’s no hard and fast rule, you can check out what works best for you.

Heating pads should be applied on the back of your head and your neck, while cold packs should be applied on your temples and forehead. And remember to alternate your cold pack on and off – keep it on for 15 minutes and leave it off for 15 minutes. Also make sure that your heating pad’s not too hot or it can cause muscle spasms or burns.

2. Get A Massage

Getting a relaxing massage may help you deal with migraines. One study found that people who got massages had fewer migraines and better sleep quality compared to the control group which didn’t get massages. Massages were also found to help with stress. During the massage session, participants experienced a lowering of anxiety, heart rate, and the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.5 This is particularly important as stress is a known trigger for migraines.

3. Apply Peppermint Oil On The Forehead

Peppermint has been traditionally used for migraines and other headaches for ages. Though we don’t yet understand exactly how peppermint works, it is thought that it can relax muscles around the skull when it’s applied to the skin. It’s also possible that its characteristic aroma may relax the nervous system.

Dilute peppermint oil with a bit of alcohol and apply on your head as soon as a migraine starts.

One study found that when menthol, a component of peppermint, was applied to the forehead, it gave relief from pain and also alleviated nausea and vomiting in people suffering from migraines.

According to experts, it’s best to dilute peppermint oil with alcohol if you want to use it to treat migraines as pure peppermint oil doesn’t penetrate skin as effectively. It’s also best to use it as soon as a migraine starts as it might not be strong enough to help once the pain gets really bad.

4. Rub Basil Oil On Your Forehead

Basil oil is used in aromatherapy to relieve migraines. Take a drop onto one of your middle fingers and rub both middle fingers together to transfer the oil to your other hand. Now massage the oil neat on your temples and the base of your skull to treat a migraine.

5. Drink Chamomile Tea

Polyphenols and flavonoids found in chamomile essential oil are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Traditional Persian Medicine describes a formulation where chamomile extracts are boiled in sesame oil and applied topically for pain relief. This formulation has the added benefit of sesamine, an anti-inflammatory component found in sesame oil.9
You can also try some chamomile tea the next time you feel a migraine creeping up on you.

6. Have Feverfew Tea

Feverfew leaves are a popular remedy for migraines. A large leaf or 3 smaller ones (about 4 cm long) taken every day can be helpful. Chop them up and add to a salad or have the leaves by themselves. They do taste bitter, so you may like to take them with a little sugar or honey.

You can also steep the leaves to make a feverfew tea. However, do keep in mind that feverfew can cause mouth ulcers and skin irritations in some people. It’s also not advised during pregnancy and lactation.

7. Chew On A Piece Of Ginger

If you thought ginger’s only good for spicing up your food, think again. According to a study, ginger powder can decrease the severity of a migraine attack within 2 hours of use. Its effectiveness is comparable to that of sumatriptan, a medication used for treating migraines.

It is recommended that you take 500 mg of ginger at the onset of a migraine. Repeat every 4 hours with a maximum limit of up to 1.5–2 g of ginger per day for 3–4 days to tackle a migraine

8. Inhale Lavender Oil

According to research, applying capsaicin, which is an active ingredient found in cayenne pepper, inside the nose can work as a treatment for migraine. However, since this can cause a burning sensation, it is best to check with a doctor before use.

Lavender essential oil has been used as a mood stabilizer, a sedative, and a pain-relieving agent. One study found that when people suffering from migraine headaches inhaled the aroma of lavender essential oil for 15 minutes, their headache severity was reduced.13 Essential oil diluted with a vegetable oil can also be rubbed on the forehead and temples for relief from pain.

9. Try Ayurvedic Therapies Like Nasya And Jala Neti

According to the dosha theory of body types, people with vata and pitta doshas are more prone toward migraine. The symptoms and treatments also vary depending on the dosha dominance. Nasya, shirodhara, jala neti, paranayama, and yoga nidra are some of the common Ayurvedic remedies for migraine.

10. Try Fish Oil

Fish oil containing omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA has been found to reduce the symptoms of a migraine headache. It is thought that fish oil works by affecting prostaglandins, which are hormone-like substances that play a significant role in inflammation.

Disclaimer: The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.

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