10 Effective Home Remedies For Skin Allergy Itching Relief

Skin allergy is a common condition in worldwide population. Although this is a popular skin disease, you should not underestimate it because it can have a lot of impact on your life. With mild conditions, the disease causes some discomfort to the patients, such as itching, fever, etc. But with severe conditions, skin allergy may leave the scar or skin color changes.

In fact, this is a rather dangerous disease, but very few people know how to get rid of or prevent it properly. We know that the reason you are reading this article of 19 Effective Home Remedies For Skin Allergy Itching Relief is to learn how to treat this problem at home quickly, but before that, you had better understand some basic information about it. That way, you can deal with it once and for all.

What Is Skin Allergy?

Skin allergy commonly occurs when your skin comes in contact with anything that makes the skin sensitive or allergic. This disease can happen in anyone, especially in people with hypersensitivity and low resistance. It is a chronic disease and is prone to outbreaks and self-healing after a period of time.

Skin allergy can occur in any area of the skin, but the most common area is the back of the knee and the arm. The disease tends to explode periodically and progressively decreases. Skin allergies usually include skin allergy due to skin contact and skin allergy due to weather changes.

Skin allergy is a common condition that is not contagious, but it makes you feel uncomfortable. Skin allergy causes the skin to become irritated, itchy, dry and flaky. Dry skin appears on the scalp, forehead and face. Skin allergies can make you itch very much, affecting your sleep and daily activities.

The severity of the disease varies from severe to mild. Skin allergy is a skin disease, but people should not underestimate it, because if not treated properly and timely, the disease will leave the scar or skin color changes. When you have skin allergy, you may have another condition like asthma or allergic rhinitis. With mild conditions, you can control the disease right at home. But with severe conditions, seek medical assistance to prevent the condition from worsening.

What Are Common Causes Of Skin Allergy?

The cause of the disease is not well defined. However, researchers believe that there are several factors that can lead to skin allergies. The immune system is involved in allergic skin problems. After touching something that causes your immune system to mistakenly assume that the body is under attack, it begins to work to produce antibodies against the invaders. A series of reactions trigger the release of chemicals that include histamine. This is the cause of allergic reactions, including the appearance of itching rash. Common causes that can cause skin allergy include:

  • Hair dye, hair straighteners
  • Nickel – a metal found in jewelry and buckles
  • If the patient is sensitive to rubber material, they may be allergic to certain fruits such as: butter, kiwi, and chestnut; these patients are prone to itching and local rash.
  • Some nuts can cause skin allergies such as pecans, pistachios, pine nuts, walnuts. One of the most common food allergens is peanuts. People who are allergic to peanut cause very serious effects.
  • Other foods that contain allergenic proteins include soybeans, wheat, fish (tuna), seafood (crabs, crabs, shrimp, oysters, snails …), fruit (butter , durian …), vegetables, spices (MSG, pepper), synthetic and natural colors, chemical additives and chickens.
  • Citrus fruits, especially their shell
  • Scent of soap, shampoo, perfume, perfume and cosmetics;
  • Some special medications used on the skin.
  • Environmental pollution, smoke, and dust
  • Change of weather

Normally, you will not get allergic rash on the first contact, but gradually your skin becomes more sensitive, the next time you will have rash symptoms.

What Are Common Symptoms Of Skin Allergy?

Skin allergy may be different in infants, children and adults. These symptoms include:

The itching occurs more in the evening
Red or brownish skin areas appear on the arms, legs, ankles, wrists, neck, chest, eyelids, elbows or knees.
Skin is thick, dry and flaky
Skin is sensitive and swollen by scratching
For infants, the symptoms usually appear early. Infants may have a skin allergy even when they are from 2 to 3 months old. Dry skin usually appears on the face, scalp and may cause insomnia in infants. They can rub on the bed, rug or other items around to relieve itching. This is very easy to cause skin infections.

When skin allergy occurs in children 2 years of age or older, the child often has a rash on the crease of the elbow or knee. Skin becomes thicker by scratching.

Symptoms of skin allergy in adults are different from infants and children. This disease can begin to appear on their body, causing the skin to dry and flake. Patients will feel itching and itching will continue without improvement. You may experience other symptoms not mentioned. If you have any questions about the signs of the disease, consult your doctor.

Who Is At High Risk Of This Problem?

Some factors that may increase the risk of developing skin allergy include:

Age: this disease is more common in children than in adults
Allergies and asthma: People who have allergies, fever or asthma are more likely to have skin allergies than others
Careers: Jobs that require exposure to certain metals, solvents or detergents increase the risk of skin allergy
Health status: You may be at risk of this disease if you have certain conditions such as congestive heart failure, Parkinson’s disease or HIV.

When To See A Doctor?

You should contact your doctor if you have the following symptoms:

Skin allergy disturbs your everyday activities and makes it difficult for you to sleep
The affected skin areas become painful
Skin infection, pus or yellow scales appear on affected skin areas
Patients cannot take care of themselves
Skin allergy affects the eyesight of the patient
Here is some basic information you need to know about skin allergy. With this information, you must have the most comprehensive view of the disease. Now let’s find out about 19 out of most recommended home remedies for skin allergy itching relief introduced on SimpleHomeRemedy.com!

Top 10 Effective Home Remedies For Skin Allergy Itching Relief

1. Understand Treating Principles

When it comes to home remedies for skin allergy, this is one of the most basic steps. When you have a skin allergy, an important principle that you need to do first is to find out the cause of the allergy.

Stop using the foods, skin care cosmetics, beauty skin, soap, and detergent because they are identified as the main culprit in cases of skin rash due to allergy. The experts advised that before using any kind of foods, cosmetic, detergent or soap, you should carefully review the ingredients and their origin to make sure you are not allergic to one of the ingredients that make up them.

In addition, you should immediately remove the scratching because it is a common mistake that makes the condition becomes more severe and can cause skin infections. Take care of the skin gently; do not use hard cotton or something to rub strongly on the skin allergic. When itching, use ice to apply to the affected area. You should not let exposed skin contact with hot water. This will only make the situation worse.

2. Home Remedies For Skin Allergy – Drink A Lot Of Water
This is another must-try home treatment in this list of home remedies for skin allergy. Drinking a lot of water is a simple tip to quickly relieve itchy rash caused by skin allergy that not everyone knows.

Water plays an extremely important role in the human body. You may not eat one to two weeks but still be alive, but if you are thirsty for 3-4 days, you can die. Why? As 70% of our body is water, water is distributed throughout the body’s organs and plays a vital role in maintaining the circulation within the body. Every day, the body needs to be provided with sufficient water to maintain secretion and replenish lost fluid through sweating. Therefore, if you do not provide your body with enough water, it will lead to many problems, including skin problems like allergies.

Skin affected by allergies often becomes more rough than usual. If you do not add moisture to the skin, these skin lesions will gradually become worse, your skin becomes wrinkled and hard to recover. Besides, drinking a lot of water has the effect of reducing body heat and cooling the skin, which can limit the skin allergies caused by the change of weather.

In order to avoid breaking the electrolyte imbalance in the body, adults should add water every day based on their body weight. Men need to add 2.5-3 liters of water every day while women need to add 2-2.5 liters of water to maintain their activity.

3. Honey
This is one of little – known home remedies for skin allergy. After applying treatments for skin allergies, you should pay attention to skin care to help skin recover quickly. One of the simplest and most effective skin care treatments is masking with honey because honey contains high amounts of water, this can provide moisture and the necessary nutrients to the skin to make it become healthier, and at the same time this helps to limit skin dehydration.

To apply this remedy, please follow the steps below:

Apply directly pure honey on the skin about 2 times a day.
While applying, you can perform a gentle massage so that the nutrients in the honey soak into the skin to nourish and soften the skin in the most effective way.
After about 15-20 minutes, wash your skin with clean water

4. Home Remedies For Skin Allergy – Oatmeal
The next treatment in this list of home remedies for skin allergy is using honey.

Oatmeal has an anti-inflammatory effect, but some people with sensitive skin may have some reaction with oatmeal. Therefore, those who are sensitive to oatmeal can ignore this way. As we mentioned above, when you are allergic to the skin, moisturizing the skin is very important, and oatmeal can help you do that. Oatmeal contains saponins, which help cleanse, moisturize and remove dead cells, so you can use oatmeal as a facial cleanser to remove dirt and viruses that damage your skin. Avenanthramide in oatmeal is a natural anti-inflammatory and has a healing effect. In addition, you can also use oatmeal mixed with warm water to treat itching and dry skin.

5. Sugar-Free Yogurt

This sounds strange when it comes to home remedies for skin allergy, but it works. Do you know that yogurt has a lot of beneficial micro-organisms, which help to effectively destroy pathogenic bacteria? Yes, that is true. Yogurt contains lactic acid – an acid that moisturizes and soothes the skin. At the same time, yogurt also provides vitamins and water which are good for allergic skin

The way to apply this remedy is very simple. Just apply the yogurt directly onto your skin and let it dry again. Do this for about 15 minutes for the skin to absorb the substances.

If your skin is not allergic to oatmeal, you can mix yogurt with oatmeal to mask the allergy area.

6. Home Remedies For Skin Allergy -Orange

Orange contains lots of Vitamin C. Vitamin C protects the skin from the harmful effects of UVA and UVB, stimulates collagen production, and prevents melasma and dermatitis. Orange is rich in phytochemical antioxidants. On average, in an orange contains about 170 mg of phytochemicals including lotions and anti-aging. Orange contains a lot of polyphenols as an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-cancer and anti-proliferative. Use orange as a treatment of skin allergy will give the best effect.

Method 1: Pure Orange Juice

Antioxidants in oranges help transport oxygen throughout the body, triggering a detoxifying process, especially detoxification. So if you eat orange regularly, your skin will be protected from free radicals, reducing the risk of skin allergy. The way to implement this method is very simple, you only need to drink a cup of orange juice every day in a week. Perform this method 2-3 weeks for the best effect.

Method 2: Orange Peel

To make use of orange peel as one of home remedies for skin allergy, take these steps below:

Prepare 100 grams of orange peel, 100ml of water.
Rinse the orange peel and add the orange peel into the water then boil them.
Leave for 30 minutes after boiling and extract the juice of orange peel.
Use the juice to lightly spray on skin allergy.
Massage gently in a clockwise direction. Then rinse your skin allergy again with water.
Method 3: Orange Peel, Rose Petals And Turmeric Powder

To take advantages of these ingredients, follow these guidelines below:

Prepare 200 grams of orange peel, 10 grams of rose petals and 2 teaspoons of turmeric.
Rinse the orange peel and rose petals, then dry them under the sun or grill.
Mix orange peel and rose petals, then grind them in the grinder.
Add turmeric powder to the mixture then add 3 tablespoons of water to form a thick mixture.
Use the mixture above to apply to your allergy skin area.
You can use this method 2-3 times a week for best results.

Method 4: Orange And Yogurt

To implement this method, please follow these steps below:

Prepare a half of orange, a box of yogurt without sugar.
Squeeze orange juice, then mix orange juice with yogurt.
Use the mixture to apply to your allergy skin. Massage gently and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse your skin with water.

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