10 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally

Till when will you hide the little flakes covering your shoulders? Till when will you mindlessly play with the white flakes falling all over your laptop? Stop. If white flakes are your thing, then it's best to enjoy the ones falling from the beautiful blue sky and not from the depths of your unruly hair.

When the pesky white flakes become a source of embarrassment and exasperating agony, then it's time you do something about it. Home remedies are an effective way of treating dandruff. The remedies are simple and the ingredients can be found in your kitchen. So, go ahead, find the remedy that best suits your hair.

Remedy 1

What to use: Juice of a lemon
What to do: Massage the juice on your scalp and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Wash your hair as usual. Massage lemon juice on your scalp before going for a shower.
Why lemon? Best known treatment to get rid of dandruff.

Remedy 2

What to use: Reetha soap or paste (made using reetha powder)
What to do: Apply the mixture to your scalp and rinse it out with cold water and shampoo after 2 hours.
Why Reetha? All natural hair remedy for dandruff.

Remedy 3

What to use: Rosemary
What to do: Combine rosemary oil with vinegar and apply it to your scalp for 15-20 minutes. Wash off as usual.
Why Rosemary? Very effective for dandruff treatment when used in combination with vinegar.

Remedy 4

What to use: Lemon water
What to do: Boil the peels of lemon in water for 20 minutes. Set aside to cool. Use the solution to wash your hair once a week.
Why lemon? best known cure for dandruff

Remedy 5

What to use: Fenugreek
What to do: Crush soaked fenugreek seeds into a fine paste. The seeds should be soaked overnight in water. Apply the paste to your scalp for 30 minutes and wash off.
Why Fenugreek? Apart from treating dandruff, it also provides a cooling effect on your scalp.

Remedy 6

What to use: Vinegar
What to do: Combine vinegar and water in equal amounts and apply it to your scalp. Leave overnight and wash your hair the next day with mild baby shampoo.
Why Vinegar? The acidic nature of vinegar balances the PH level of the scalp and keeps dandruff at bay.

Remedy 7

What to use: Mouthwash
What to do: Wash your hair with regular shampoo and follow it up with a rinse of alcohol based mouthwash. Finish off with conditioner.
Why Mouthwash? The anti-fungal properties present in mouthwash prevents the dandruff causing yeast from growing.

Remedy 8

What to use: Apple cider Vinegar
What to do: Mix the apple cider vinegar with water in equal proportions and spritz it onto your scalp using a spray bottle. Wrap your head in a towel for 15 minutes and wash your hair as usual. This can be repeated twice a week.
Why Apple cider vinegar? Acidity makes it harder for the yeast to grow. Thereby, keeping dandruff at bay.

Remedy 9

What to use: Green tea
What to do: Boil the green tea leaves in a pan for about 15 minutes. Strain the mixture and let it cool. Apply to your scalp and leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse well. Alternately, you could also use green tea bags to make the concoction.
Why Green tea? Ant-fungal and antioxidants present in the tea will help restore scalp health.

Remedy 10

What to use: Aspirin
What to do: Crush two tablets of aspirin and mix with your shampoo whenever you wash your hair. Follow it up with a wash suing plain shampoo to get all the medicine out of your hair.
Why Aspirin? Contains Salicylic acid, which is a common ingredient in most anti dandruff shampoos and is very effective in treating dandruff. (via)

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